Greetings and welcome to the "Rancho Relaxo" blog for October. Once again, we’re running a tad late with our post this month just like the previous few issues. We hope to cure this matter prior to the death of Santa Claus but, hey, who knows. And, like previously, there are lots of reasons for that but you will be spared most of them (it would help if I could get a week off around here). In any case, the Ol' Rooster and Ol' Hen just wanted to share what's happening here at our humble rancho nestled in the dry-as-toast foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Thanks to La Niña, and despite everything being "California Gold" in color, we have been having an exquisite summer that even included rain (which is almost unheard of in the summer!)! The daily high temps are now about like April around here! So, autumn is here! Anyway, thanks for dropping in at the Rancho Relaxo global headquarters.
To the right is the Upper Globe Road bridge that got washed out during our previous rain cycle which brought a flood upon it. They just about have it repaired so is should be open in a few days at most. There's another washout just down the road a piece and I'm not sure if that's been repaired or not. But, a lot of rock hauling trucks have been seen in the vicinity.
The Ol' Rancher doesn't eat a lot of popcorn; but, when he does, he uses Connie the Canner's huge stainless steel bowl. And, it's a piece of cake to toss the butter with this big baby! There's no more chasing flyaway popcorn kernels, don'tcha know. That's even if you pop your popcorn in your blue-colored, 6 quart, "Rachel Ray", tock pot. I get successfully popped corn every time.
Speaking of fans, this is one of our biggest fans. This 20" beauty was one of the blessings tossed at us at the big estate/yard sale across the street from us. We bought a bunch of stuff and as we were loading up Wooly Pulley, they just kept giving us things. This was one of the two nice big fans they gave us. It'll be stored until next summer when it will be fired up and put to good use.
A word from
our sponsor:
This issue of Rancho Relaxo is brought to you by "Fabulous Fanny’s Funky Fried Flakey Friggers" Now, these are the best Funky Fried Flakey Friggers that money can buy! You cannot...I cannot get a better Funky Fried Flakey Frigger anywhere! And, they're made right here in the US of A. You can get your bountiful supply of " Fabulous Fanny’s Funky Fried Flakey Friggers” at the Wal-Mart, KMART, Speedy Mart, Rapid Mart, Quick Mart, and all those marts where those guys have them towels wrapped around their heads. Tell'em the Ol' Rancher sent you. You'll be glad you did!
Tip of the Day:
if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there."
Well!! I’ll
be double dipped and rolled in Panko if it ain’t October…already! In a couple
of blinks of the eyes, it’ll be Christmas! Oh, my! Speaking of Christmas,
it’s only75 days away! Time is flying as quickly as the proverbial black winged mammal out of that notorious nether region meant to be the everlasting destination for the wicked (that shouldn't even offend a deacon in a Pentecostal Holiness Church). Moving along….
Relaxo Report: Well,
we’re moving along and making a lot of dust as we make progress. There is more
dust on some days and less on others. But, there’s still enough dust to make it
worth the effort (and to keep Connie the Cleaner busy).
We’re in
good health and in good spirits so that’s worth a lot. There are no major
issues with which to contend other than the ranch, the dogs, the chickens, the
barn, the tractor, the trailers, and the hangar (the cars are running well, so
far). Other than that, everything is pretty tame. After all, we did get two
days off this year! That should last until Christmas (did I mention that
Christmas is only 75 days away? Oh, yeah, and the memory thing, too).
From here,
it’s “prep for winter” time. The orange trees will need a big drink of water as
will the grass (which is now brown and ugly) and vines (which are a bit
stressed). We may not have any significant rain for a couple of months so it’s
That calls
for “pulling sprinklers” which, as you know, is one of my favorite things to do
around here. That’s right up there with the gagging and retching inducing job of cleaning the grease traps at “Gang
Sue’s Restaurant” (which, thankfully, I haven’t had to do since 1963 when I
swore off grease trap cleaning).
It would be
a good idea to stockpile chicken feed (layer pellets) and dog chow (wet and dry), too. That’s especially true
since the “Swell Joe” (literally) doubled the price of chicken scratch and
layer pellets. Bags of dog chow are 30% higher, too. We keep them in 33 gallon
steel or plastic containers so the critters can’t get to them. I used to one-hand those things but
it takes two, now. Reckon they’re over-filling them just for me, eh? Bless their darlin' hearts.
And, the
barn will be overhauled if it doesn’t rain too much. That’s a chore for ten men
but I think I can handle it. But, it looks like “El Niño” may give us a wet winter.
So, that’ll entail hauling everything down to the hangar so it’ll stay dry
(Gosh! That should be fun!). Otherwise, I have to tarp everything and that has not proven to be an effective way of doing things so far. If we get right to
it, we should be through by Christmas 2024 (which is only 440 days away!).
No Sale: It’s not likely we can make
vacation plans this year. We’ve decided to not conduct our “vacation money”
generating event this year. I’m referring, of course, to our huge 15th
annual yard sale which has been the source of much joy and much more exhaustion.
I must say that it’s been a great run. We’ve been able to go either north or east (and, one year, to both places) to see family every now and again. And, our vacations haven’t cost us anything but a year of preparation: acquiring goodies to sell, storing and cleaning those goodies, a week of back-breaking exhaustive work to set up, three 14-hour days of extreme aching and exhaustion during the event, an arduous two weeks of tearing down and restoring/re-boxing a ton of stuff that didn’t sell while almost dead (it took six weeks last year), then at least six weeks of slow aching recovery to normal. Ain’t nothing like a free vacation.
a getaway anyway: Our
last real trip out of Dodge was north to Washington to see family up there. That
was a few years ago when we picked up our (previous) Ford Freestar van in Boise
(our latest Freestar came from Irvine near LA). We shagged on up to WA then
back home. It was more of a mini-vacation (it was really closer to a drive-by hugging) since we were only gone for a week. It’s
only a thousand miles so it’s a bit more attainable and the drive is two bits
easier on the old people’s airframes.
On the other
hand, our furthest destination in Texas is 1,728 miles away so it takes a lot more
planning and, of course, the cost is greater. But, we are still hoping to find
a way to make it back there to see the rest of the folks. We haven’t been to
Texas in about 5 years which makes it an overdue priority. We are really
determined so see what happens when they regularly feed those grandkids all that good Texas cookin' (that good stuff is what keeps your bellybutton and your backbone from getting together)!
When going
east, we made the commitment to take it easy on the Ol' Rancher and Ol' Canner by
not pushing them until they drop (especially when they start trip completely wrecked
after the yard sale). Driving 12 hours per day is no longer considered part of
trip planning. That means, instead of stopping for one night on the road like
we do when travelling to Washington, there’s two or even three nights planned
when eastbound. That adds up to about $600.00 or so just for lodging (roundtrip) so the yard
sale profits are helpful. I used to drive straight through to both states but
that was 25 years ago when doing so didn't require CPR at the end of the trip.
When we do
go to Texas, we’ll make stops in Abilene to see Jeff and Sandra Minnick and their son and his wife, Randall and Hannah. Then
we’ll head southeast to Kingsbury to see brother Roger Freeman and dear sister, Charlotte
Parker, brother Chris and Carol Freeman, and brother Steve and Paulette Freeman.
From there, it will be on further east to see daughter Trixie and Dan Howden and
their family in Magnolia (near Houston). It’s difficult to be so far away from loved
ones. At least we don’t have to travel by covered wagon.
One place in
Texas that I can hardly wait to go to again is the “City Market BBQ” in Luling.
That place is “feast city”! Their BBQ is the talk of town but not just their
town! They are even known in Austin (50 miles away) and San Antonio (57 miles
away)! The great news is that it’s only 11 miles from Roger’s place! Zowie!
In fact, it’s close enough that
I call the place Lunch-n-Back, Texas!
Our first
encounter was about 12 or so years ago when Roger took us there for lunch and
I’ve been hooked ever since. After tearing into their pile of BBQ brisket and
sausages, I became a believer and big fan!
Oh, what a
card he is or How to embarrass the Ol’ Rancher without half trying: The other day (when lots of things
happen around here), we had to stop by the bank drive-through to crash (sic) a
couple of checks and such. I hauled the debit card out of my wallet and sent it
over for ID along with the checks. The speaker came alive again with “This is a
Wendy’s card”. WHAT?! I took a quick look at Connie who was instantly enjoying
this event far more than she should have been. I mean, laughing so hard you
can’t breathe is entirely too much entertainment for an old granny, if you ask
me. When she returned to her normal color, she was most gracious and stated,
“Well, they are the same color and do look alike”. Thank you, dear. The nice young
teller lady (who was probably laughing at the old dude in the van) sent the red
card back and it was replaced with the other red card and all was well after
that. *SIGH*
or not: This has
been a really nice summer and early fall. Normally, the daytime temps at Rancho
Relaxo don’t fall below 95 degrees until the last week of September. Thanks to
“El Niño”, our temps weren’t even close to that! Though we did have a few
summer scorchers, all-in-all, it’s been great!
cooling down now to very pleasant daytime temps in the mid-70’s. It makes
working outside (of which there is no small amount to do) much easier. “Let it
cool! Let it cool! Let it cool!”.
Pero Report or Doggin’ it: Abbie and Bella, the next-door neighbor’s bulldog, just can’t seem to see
eye to eye, for some reason. Abbie had healed up well from their previous scrap.
Then, for indeterminant reasons, they hooked up in battle again. Abbie showed
up one evening and was seriously wounded again. She was treated and allowed to
rest in the house as much as she wanted for a week or so until her wounds
healed. They did heal very quickly and very well.
On one
occasion, I happened to be in the back yard when Bella sprinted across the yard
to attack Abbie. She was intercepted and run back home. Had I not been there,
there would have been another nasty clash and Abbie would have gotten the worse
of the deal.
I had a talk
with the neighbor and we’ll both try to keep a watch on the situation.
relative matter or Fuzz Daddy: It looks like I’ll need to consider Bella as part of the
family now. Remember when Fuzzy recently had his coming-of-age moment with Bella?
Guess who heard puppies yipping at the neighbor’s house the other day? Yep.
Bella now has a litter of Doodle Dogs (or is it Bull Doodles?). Criminy! No one
at the ranch is in a hurry to see what these pups look like! It just isn’t
possible to imagine what such a mix looks like. We may have set a world record
for ugly or weird dogs. Reckon it will become apparent in due season, though.
At least they can honestly answer the question, “Who’s Your Daddy?”. We’re also
hoping that there’ll be no “pup support” demanded of us. Wouldn’t that be
you have it: another short episode of the long happenings at Rancho Relaxo:
home of Rancho Ran, the world's least-most greatest authority: home of the
Yo-Yo twins and home of a retarded duck:
home of Connie the Canner, the world's greatest side-kook and CEE (Chief of
Everything Else): where the air smells and where alliteration reigns supreme:
where being modern is optional and where there are no slaves to fashion: where
the eggs are always mostly fresh: where things can get...interesting: where
it's all news to me and just never know.