Sunday, October 9, 2022



Hey, y'all! Glad you could drop in to check on what's happening at Rancho Relaxo. We trust and pray that you all are doing well! The Ol' Rancher and his XYL (ex-young lady), Connie the Canner, are prospering and in health even as their soul is prospering. We are getting blessed all the while that we are taking care of business and such. In fact, it's amazing how blessed we are and how much favor we have with everyone! 

This is one of my favorite scenarios. It's when a "fuzzer" sneaks into pipe, culvert, or similar small space but isn't able to avoid my coon dog that has a nose that knows everything. 

The other day (when lots of things happen around here), she cornered a section of PVC pipe with a squirrel in it. You could hear the thing barking so there was no doubt that the game was afoot. I merely had to lift up one end and shove a water hose in and turn it on. In no time flat, Abbie had the little bugger in her bone-crushing jaws and was shaking it's eyeballs loose. Abbie - 1; Fuzzer - 0

Click on pics to enlarge

Here's Missy who got a chance to romp a bit with Abbie while waiting for her new owners to show up. They had a ball and did it up right and had a good time of it. 

It was a rather hot day when the Ol' Rancher was taking his big Echo weed eater out for a stroll. The crepe myrtle trees needed a shot of water so I turned the water on and placed the hose next to one of them. As the water pooled a bit, Abbie came over and plopped down in the middle of the pool in the shade! Sharp doggie! No flies on her pies!! 

Here's our little bitty birdie buddies. They still are unnamed but we're considering some pretty cool ones that folks have suggested. They're growing like weeds and are happy and healthy. Momma bird is doing a great job of taking care of them. 

While setting up for the yard sale, our herd of bug wranglers decided to appear in the middle of things. Not sure we needed their help but they wandered off after a while anyway. 

Rancho Relaxo Rocks! Here's a bunch of new rocks that a friend gave us. There were enough of them to make a ramp onto the concrete driveway. It's nice to not hit that bump all the time! After a few times of being driven over, they'll be compacted and will smooth out and look nice. Free rocks are our friends!

The other day, "Giffords" food mart in Springville experienced an issue with their freezer and their ice cream wasn't staying cold enough. So, they were giving away the stuff with a purchase. Connie the Canner and I bought a couple of bags of stir-fry veggies and they said, "Help yourself"! We did! Here's about 40 bucks worth of ice cream! It was a "diet free" zone at Rancho Relaxo that evening! Free is our friend! 

This is one of our fight fighting aircraft stationed at the Porterville Municipal Airport (KPTV). We've had a fire attack base here since the early '50's that I can tell. 

This big baby is a BAE 146 four-engine hauler. I've been on a BAE 146 twice. Once was in the mid-80's. It was in the PSA (Pacific Southwest Airlines) livery. The other one was on a flight from Accra, Ghana, Africa to Kumasi, Ghana. I don't have a more favored jet airliner than this one. 

Here's the Coop de Ville attached to Wooly Pully. We're hauling stuff from the hangar to the house and getting ready for the big yard sale. Notice the  scratching crew at work in the forefront. 

Here's Ma and Pa Kettle. This time, they're full of pork chops. In case you didn't know, pork chops are our friends! After cooking for 9 hours on low, they will be falling apart tender. Connie the Canner will can them in Big Bertha, the 22 qt pressure canner. We may freeze a few for later since they look so good on a grill, don'tcha know.

The chops were on sale at SaveMart for...get this...99 cents per pound! 

Tell me girls don't do pretty work!! It sure makes things easier at Easter time, eh? 

It's October. It's October.'s October. It's the end of the year. What happened?! I'm too flubbergasted (don't look that up in your Funk & Wagnalls) to even get a grip on how fast this year has flown by. more carping. 

I refuse to die until I get a ride in the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile.

It's whole lots of difficult to grasp that our huge yard sale is only a week away and that we only have six weeks of prep and setup work left. *SIGH*. The next few days are going set a new precedent for the word "hectic". 

We will be setting up the tables on Monday (tomorrow) then finish picking up stuff from the hangar and hauling it up the hill. The hope is to unload some of the stuff in barn. A real concern is that we won't have room to display this stuff! No joke. We'll have 14 or more sellers and each needs space in which to operate. 

And, we only have fewer than 20 tables. That may seem like a lot but, a few years ago, we had 22 tables but still had 50 boxes that didn't get set out for sale! We'll see what happens. Stay tuned for next month's blog. It could be....interesting. 

No Mas Missy or “So long, Missy. You will be missed”. How can you possibly not miss a “love dog”? Missy always had a ton of love to give even if she only received a couple of pounds in return. She loved to see me coming and hated to see me go. I was God to her and she liked it that way. And, a prettier pooch I’ve never owned. Abbie is handsome, to be sure, and a delight to the eyeballs. But, Missy is just plain pretty.

We posted a picture and blurb on “Craig’s List” and only had to wait a few days for someone to contact us. It was a strange number so I was hesitant to answer but I’m glad I did.

The lady on the other end of the line was such a nice person. She explained that she had a retired friend and neighbor who was looking for just such a furry friend. When I started to explain more about Missy being a Husky, the lady explained the she understood because she used to breed and raise Huskies! I was blown away! A couple of days later, she and the friend drove from Posey (about 45 miles SE from here) and picked her up. 

So, Missy now has a nice home with some someone who will show her lots of lovin’ and care and I couldn’t be more pleased.

Now, on to the chore of finding a “chicken sitter” doggie that can also be Abbie’s buddy!

Free at last!  Or Chickens gone wild! Now that Missy is not longer in the picture, our dirty birdies are free to roam about at will. They are now happily free ranging and having a great time of it! No bug is safe on their watch! 

Even or new chicks are growing by leaps and bounds and are able to keep up with the rest of the herd. It's a hoot to watch them flit about and scratch for chow. 

Well....there you have it: another short episode of the long happenings at Rancho Relaxo: home of Rancho Ran, the world's least-most greatest authority: home of the Yo-Yo  twins and home of a retarded duck: home of Connie the Canner, the world's greatest side-kook and CEE (Chief of Everything Else): where the air smells and where alliteration reigns supreme: where being modern is optional and where there are no slaves to fashion: where the eggs are always mostly fresh: where things can get...interesting: where it's all news to me and just never know.

I may add to the blog during this next week or so. Not sure that I'll have time to do it but you may want to check back.