Thursday, April 5, 2018

Rancho Hectic Heights

 Our girls stage themselves when they know that they are about to be released for "recess". Most have done their duty and earned a nice outing for the remainder of the day.

This little rooster now has a new name. His official name is "Wing Lo" because of the strutting with a low wing position that roosters/fowl assume when courting a hen.

He just hit puberty and has had an awakening that his species just cannot survive without him. I think I was there the day the first ounce of testosterone hit his brain. He must have made a pass at every single hen in the yard! It was like he was on meth or something! There was no slowing this little rocket rooster down at all. His speed doubled after his first score.

This is shot of the newly painted church sanctuary. Lots to do yet like finishing the entrance doors and some cut-in work. Everyone loves the new look. 

There were only four of us that did the work and it turned out really well. There will be much more to do in the future but this is a great start! Even though it looks like we used more than two colors (white and tranquility green), it's really just the two. We painted over the 62 year old mural in the baptistery and hung the small cross in there. It was formerly on the upper wall in front of the baptistery.

The Coop deVille really needed a bath so we took her in for the "Ultra Car Wash". She has just short of 200K miles on her clock and runs like a Swiss watch and...doesn't use oil!

This is a genuine hail of a deal. A big thunder buster blew in and dumped rain and hail all over the place. And, never was heard a discouraging word. Pea-sized hail is not unheard of in these parts.

 Just a nice post-rain shot taken on Highway 190 headed to our place.

This ol' camera slinger loves to take pictures late in the afternoon when the shadow are long. It's just soooo purdy then, don'tcha know. This is taken from my mailbox at the highway and looking (true) northeast. It's actually due magnetic north in case you like such things as magnetic variance.

 Pleasant Oak Drive looking north.
 Pleasant  Oak Drive looking north.
This is the same location. The estate on top is for sale and is listed for 1.6 million. You get a great view and lots of land.
 Looking north as we descend Mustang Drive.
Same pic as above on Pleasant Oak but out of sequence.

Descending Mustang Drive.

Well! Flatten down the hutches, mateys! It’s April! Doesn’t that just make you want to blast off for Ceti Alpha 5 and meet Khan Noonien Singh for lunch?! I’m telling you, neighbors, if time flies by any faster, we’ll feel the breeze!!
Ok! Ok!  Enough whining; on with the blog.
Rancho Report: it’s been rather hectic around here (oh…like…that’s news). Lots of good stuff being done but lots of good stuff not being done or delayed due to rain, computer exigencies, unexpected trips to town, church overhaul, enervating circumstances (seems to be a lot of that), and such (all with litany and all are expedited). Some stuff gets done while other stuff has to wait and gets staged according to priority. Some things crowd in to the head of the priority line and others are bumped rearward. Chickens croak, hose ends get run over, batteries die, or a car breaks down (and won’t be repaired until the local mechanic who is out of service due to his priorities like….getting married). It’s really not like we’re one little blue pill from being in an asylum. It’s more like that it’s just another day at the ranch. 
The other day (most things here at the rancho happen then), I had to get a haircut so the dog catcher wouldn’t be tracking me down. Other than dear friend and ultra-high-class stylist, Allen Zailian in Fresno, I’m glad to say that my barber is the best (regular) one I’ve found in my entire experience of having my locks shorn from my noggin. 
Several years ago, and after years of lousy haircuts, I had just about decided to either just go full “onion head” (for all you Andy Griffith fans out there) or go “au natural” to see just how long and curly my hair would get if left alone.  
On the reality side, I couldn’t see Ol’ Ran being referred to as “Rancher Curly” (think “Curly” of the “Three Stooges”) or “Ol’ Mop Head Hippy Rancher Dude”, or, with a switch of hats and adding some braiding, “Chief Bulging Buffalo”. And, Connie got a vote which was, “Neither!” So, it was decided to take yet another step into the unknown and try another local barber.
Just across the street from the old “SaveMart” supermarket at Olive and D Street, is a small strip mall with which I had been familiar for many years (and even remembered it being a dirt lot, oh, so many years ago). But, I had developed a bad case of perceptual filtering when it came to the (just another) barbershop that had been there for a couple of decades. Almost out of desperation, I ramped up my detestable fortitude, pulled the “Coop deVille” into a slot, and parked in the barber’s chair. The place? “Randy’s”! The first thought was, “Where have I been?!”

Wouldn’t you know, Randy is the best barber that I’ve ever had cut my hair! Come to find out, he’s a home-grown guy who went to the same high school as me and who knows some of the same locals folks! Such a deal! He’s also one of the nicest humblest fellas you could hope to meet! To say that I’m now a “regular” is a given. I won’t be going anywhere else! 

Anyway, moving on, I left my pile of locks on Randy’s floor and will feel comfortable showing up in public again for at least a month. It’s kind of nice to look in the mirror after the whack and actually recognize the guy staring back at me. The un-cut guy looked like an old egg rancher with a hen stuck under his ball cap. That also means that I can now service my chickens in full resplendence of tonsorial perfection. Life is good. 
 It rained! After too long a while and thinking that it was going to be a really brown season, we were hosed down with a healthy dose of wetness. Then, a few days later, more rain came! The flowers rejoiced and the result was the wonderful arrays of spring wild flowers cavorting in the wind on our gorgeous green hills. 
After a short time of almost drying out, we’re getting more of that elixir of life. Good stuff! When this next batch of rain comes in, we will still only be at about 50% or so of our seasonal norm. So, you can imagine that every drop of precipitation brings a smile to the locals’ mugs. 
That also means that Success Lake is no longer “Stuck Duck Pond”. We’ve got water in that there lake! You should see the happy fishermen along the banks and afloat in their bass boats! Sure makes a fella wish he had a day off to go fishing!
Today (as in, it didn’t happen the other day) was such a beautiful day that we decided to fire up “Ol’ Smokey”, the grill. The other day (yep…that one), we found some chicken that was priced “40% off” due to a looming “end of saleable date”. But, it wasn’t just chicken; it was a marinated leg/thigh package. The Ol’ Chicken Plucker grabbed two family packs and hauled them home. One went into the freezer next to the sirloin steak that was 50% off (!!) for the same reason. The steak is next…and soon! 
The chicken was grilled along with some zucchini and onions. Two huge baker potatoes were stacked on the rack and allowed to get started cooking. They were finished in the microwave (which was expected). All came out great no doubt due to my inferior skills at grilling (i.e. I got lucky). 
We dined outside on the patio where the temp and weather was perfect. It was just so peaceful that we determined to do it again. Our big beautiful glass dining and patio set with large comfortable spring-style chairs hadn’t been used in a long long time! So, that was another treat! 
It was also cool to take a few bread scraps and chuck them over the patio enclosure so the chickens could partake of the feast, too. It is always a hoot to watch them hustle around trying to snatch every morsel from the others despite all of them being members of the corpulent clucking crew and far from starving.
Abbie the Princess Wonder Pooch Report: I have to say, my little doggie has been sharpening her “huntin’ dawg” skills lately. The other day (did I mention that that’s when most things happen around here?), she had on her shock collar because the hens were in the coop takin’ care of business (BTO!!). Though not usually allowed on the patio, we heard her barking away and knew that she had treed something and that it was probably behind the fridge. Instead, once out back, we saw that she was at the other end of the patio which told us there was a critter of some sort hiding behind the cabinets there. 

Ol’ Ran, not being afraid of too many things that are a fraction of his size, started moving and shaking things and got immediate results. A big rat scampered across the top of the gardening tools shelf. 

I fired my CO2 BB pistol (hey….I still remember the Boy Sprout motto, “Be Prepared”) never thinking that I didn't have eye protection and that a ricochet would ruin my day. It was a clean miss largely due to being a bit slow on the draw and thinking that he would appear at the bottom and to the rear of the shelf.
He made a dash (a mad one, presumably) to my left which gave him access to a few things behind which he could hide. The first reasonable spot was one of our refrigerators. It was movin’ and shakin’ time again. As I did that, the rat made a run for it. That was a real dumb move to do when you have an ace huntin’ dawg at hand. 
There was a brief rustling and scurrying and then silence. I didn’t even see what happened! When I looked into the back yard, there Miss Abbie was with a huge raton in her mouth and showing the world her limp trophy. Go, Abbie!!
Fuzzer Report: the day prior to Abbie’s victory, it was my turn to claim some fame. A fuzzer met me at the door of the coop as the egg harvest commenced. The fact that it was sauntering and not fleeing for dear life really fractured my framistam! I did my own sauntering back to the house and grabbed the genuine “Critt-R-Gitter” and started out back to wreak a bit of havoc on the varmint population. 
The first fuzzer was on the back side of the barn and I was on the near side figurin’ (I do a lot of that) to head him off at the pass that should still exist from when they built this place. When, what before my two non-bloodshot eyes should appear, but a second brazenly fearless fuzzer parked atop my number 4 garden box! The arrogant flea toter was just sitting there mocking me like, “Watcha gonna do, you big, ugly, overweight, middle-age, taco eater? You gonna, like, shoot me or something?” 
Slowly I lifted my sweet little scoped Ruger and secured it against my shoulder (such shots are something I don’t ordinarily do). At that range, the critter looked like a large football in my scope so I merely squeezed the trigger and let the Ruger do the work. 
After a sharp report, the target was laid out on the ground but was moving a bit too much for my liking.  For one, even as much as I hate fuzzers, I don’t like wounding an animal. So, I made quick work of the matter with a second closer shot. Taco Tucker: 1; Fuzzer: 0. You know….someone should tell the vermin crowd that old guys like me just don’t like to be mocked.
Chickenin’ Report: all is well with our league of lazy layers. That’s not to say that we haven’t experienced some attrition in our ranks but, by and large, things are moving along fairly well. 
For one thing, our girls are steadily producing now. That’s a good thing. We harvested a two day total of 78 eggs one time and almost the same a couple of days later. We’re averaging about 2.5 dozen a day so far but really need to see another dozen come about. Feeding clucking and crowing pets is not why we’re here. 
It’s not like we don’t pamper these feather brains. Though they are stuffed most of the time, they turn rabidly gluttonous at the first available grain of scratch or crumb of bread. Though they live at the “Hen House Hilton”, for some reason, they think they live at “Starvation Heights”, or something. They even all but mug me for treats when I step out into the barn yard. 
‘Puter Update: do you remember the old saying, “when it rains, it pours”? Well, as noted earlier, it rained and poured the other day. And, included in the raindrops was at least one large caliber bullet. My big Dell quad-core work horse box forgot to duck and the slug went straight into its non-pea-pickin’ four terra-byte heart (i.e. the hard drive disk). I really didn’t need that kind of grief especially since it had only been a short time since the last bucket load of computer grief was dumped out. 
This is where the “be prepared” motto really comes in handy. My standby box is a really nice HP Pavilion 23 All-in-One dual-core machine with 6 GB of RAM. It was already configured as a backup box prior to the previous crash less than a year ago. Out it came and I was back online rather quickly. Most of the labor was for installing the new printers that had been added since it was last used. No biggy, but it surely sucked up a lot of that ever-so-valuable commodity, time. 
I also had immediate access to my sweet little XP machine which allows a lot of work to be done as well as providing Internet access. However, it has not yet been configure as a backup box yet. It won’t be fully configured as such but you can bet I’ll be making some upgrades and improvements on it on my next… day off. 
So far, it comes in handy for watching things on YouTube since it is connected to the HDMI 4 input of the big screen. It’s also great for multi-tasking since it has a built-in card reader, a CD/DVD RW, and it incorporates the software to burn anything but a barn. 
A quick bit of homework allowed the Computer Dude to decide on a replacement drive for the big work box. It’ll be a Seagate "FireCuda" 2 Terra-Byte highbred SSD/mechanical drive (at the usual 7,200 spin rate). It’s the best of both worlds where I get the speed of the SSD and the capacity of the spinner drive. Next month, I’ll add a second 6 Terra-byte spinner drive for storage. That will take the load off meaning that it should last longer as a storage drive than as a 24/7 workhorse. The “Newegg” order is on the way and may even be here tomorrow. It’ll be a busy weekend (as if…)!
Most of my backups were made and I managed to get a lot off the affected drive. However, its performance deteriorated rather quickly so I still lost a lot of data (though not much was worth losing sleep over. Lots of technical stuff lost, though). It’ll take a couple of months to get everything glued back together like I want it. Life goes on but it’s will go by more easily with this new super-fast hard drive (have I mentioned that I’m convenience oriented and that “easy” is my friend?). 
There you have it: another episode of what’s happening at Rancho Relaxo, home of Rancho Ran, the world's foremost authority (the previous one died), Connie the Canner (world's greatest side-cook), where things can get…interesting, and where… you just never know.