Monday, February 5, 2018

Rancho Hombre Largo

                                                                                 Our gobblers getting down on a pan of crushed egg shells. We save them, dry them in the oven, then feed them back to the layers so they are not calcium deficient. On the ground you can see the cabbage that they are still in the process of pecking to death.

This is the winter view of Rancho Relaxo. The Camry is in front of the Coop DeVille. Wooley Pulley is in the middle, and Tojo is on the right. Tojo suffered a flat tire so a new one was mounted. Then, before we got home, the fuel pump failed. It had to be towed home. By the time it got home, the right front tire was also flat. So, it's "Non-Op" time for the old trooper. We'll keep it around for hauling stuff on the ranch.       

I wanted to ad more pics but the blog formatting is out of whack for some reason. 

Rancho Hombre Largo

It’s February 2018 already! Doesn’t that just make you want to dig out your Xavier Cugat albums and start dancing the mambo?! Yeah….me neither. Still, you have to wonder why time is in such a hurry when it has no particular place to go. *SIGH*

Rancho Report: things are moving along here at the ranch. Connie the Canner and I even managed to make it to Visalia (about 45 min. from our place) to keep our Thursday appointment with a tooth mechanic. As you can imagine, while we were in a real town, we couldn’t help knocking over a real restaurant. It just so happened that we hadn’t had “Chinese” in a while so were obliged to head to the “King Buffet” on south Mooney Blvd.

I’d actually been there before (more than once) but it had been a long long time. When we got there, their menu had changed. It was almost like we had entered into a Star Trek transporter because I thought we were in Sequin, Texas! They had virtually the same goodies up for grabs as the Chinese place there! This is to say, they had the most beautiful pan full of hot and spicy crawdads I’ve seen since Texas! Whoo doggies! It was time to dig in! Not one of those mud bugs made it out alive!

The great thing about crawdads is that, any part that isn’t hard, is edible. At least that’s the consensus of those who were blessed enough to establish southern eating protocols. Not everyone agrees, of course. Connie (“No creeping things here, thank you”) thinks that these “things” should remain at the bottom of a muddy creek in Texas or Louisiana or somewhere where humans can’t reach them. Not even labeling them the high class sounding, “langostino”, will help reconcile her to their culinary importance. She still thinks that Mxyzptlk, Mars (presumably the capitol) is close enough for her taste (are you “Superman” fans listening?).

I mean…come on! How can you not like tearing into these little crustaceans and liberating that tasty morsel of tail meat, eh? Then, you get to suck the mud out of the front part, too! Zowie! Ok! Ok! I still like you non-southernized folks who still need to get the memo. I won’t “un-friend” you.

Anyway, there was a real determination to just eat until full instead of eating until I made money. My heart was right and, by and large, the goal was accomplished. However, I still couldn’t keep myself from stocking up on calories until dinner time next Tuesday.

Thus, the “Rancho Largo Dude” title. It’s difficult to arrive at any other conclusion when a guy goes to the doctor for a checkup and he hears the new digital scales holler “Hey! One at a time, moron!”. Then, he turns around and dives headlong into the next buffet he tracks down…on purpose. 

The Ol’ Rancher can’t turn the clock back but he can surely turn back the scales. There are some dietary changes in the making. It may take a while but, the next time the scale speaks, I hope to hear it say, “Nice job, lightweight dude!”.

Adding to that foray, we recently got to experience a trip to Farmersville (about 5 miles east of Visalia) to a church there for a “singsperation”. We were again invited by some super friends, brother James and sister Fern Hill who have a family member who attends there. It was as great the second time of getting together with other brothers and sisters and sing unto the Lord many songs!

Since winter has skipped this part of the country, spring dutifully stepped in early and has sprung. It was ….get this…76 degrees today! This wonderful comfort is great but it’s a double-edged sword. We seriously need rain because there is no snow pack on them thar hills!

Heat in February is not a good thing. It doesn’t bode well if we have to continue water rationing around here. The state will FORCE US to only use about a tenth of what we actually need ( The truly sad factor is that residential water usage only comprises less than 10% of total usage. The State, on the other hand, flushes more than 30% of allocated water into the ocean. Go figure.

My guess is that’s why another 250,000 tax payers fled California and its lunatic politics in 2017. Thousands of business including those from this area (and even Toyota after decades in Torrance) have simply said, “Enough of this BS” and have moved to adjoining states where they are now thriving. Isn’t it fabulous when people finally put an end to their being abused by the government and simply walk away?

Moving along….this is California so when warm weather arrives, the carnivore instincts kick in. Being inspired by a confluence of gastric juices and a complaining tummy, Ol’ Ran just had to fire up the grill. It just so happens that there was some lamb in the freezer that needed to be either eaten or fed to Abbie, the one-pooch cleanup crew.

So, out came the lamb steak and a package of my favorite brats (that would be the ones that can’t get away) and the trusty-dusty-but-not-even-rusty “Weber” propane grill was excited to life with the piezo starter button. The big Brinkman charcoal briquettes grill is my back up in case I have any extra energy and I’m not so convenience oriented (uuuuuh….could be awhile). In fact, I may just use it solely as a smoker. All I need is…..a day off. Yeah, buddy.

The Rancho Grillo Dude couldn’t help but think that the lamb dinner couldn’t possibly be complete without at least one large baked potato (the brats are for lunch de la maƱana). Three fat spuds were placed on the grill to be partially baked and then completed in the new microwave oven (we’re still talking convenience here). They were alongside some freezer burned hamburger patties that later became treats for Abbie.

That all went well so the evening meal was a feast. I hadn’t had grilled lamb in decades. I won’t make that mistake that again and will look for deals and sales on lamb. Good stuff and Abbie got some fat and meat trimmings, too!

Computer Dude Report: though this is as much a “Rancho Relaxo Report” matter, it fits tidily into this part of the report. Our trusty microwave oven decided to stop flinging its miniscule waves. We then purchased a new 1.5 cubic foot GE microwave from an eBay seller. When the nuke box arrived, we joyed over it and immediately put it to work. 

However (I’m not a big fan of “howevers”), there was an unidentified growling noise coming from it. Since there simply aren’t a lot of moving parts in a (standard) M/W oven (at most two), it was easy to deduce that the turntable motor was defective. Sure; we could have just boxed it up and sent it back to Plainfield, IL (yes.. that Plainfield, IL where friend and brother, Ben Garwood calls home). However (ditto), that would have been really….inconvenient.

Since it was under warranty, we called GE Service who connected us with “L&S Appliances” in Porterville. That was cool as far as I was concerned since I had dealt with them 20 years ago while managing the apartment complex there. Because it was a free-standing unit, we had to lug it to their shop about 5 miles east of town. They took the unit, ordered the part, and a week later, we had our nuker back.

The great news was that they had three computers sitting and collecting dust in their office. After a few questions as to the issues and what disposition they had determined for them, I wound up taking them home to fix!

Here’s the next part of this saga: not long ago, one of our two newest freezers (three years or so old) went out. This is not a good thing. The old ranchers had to scramble and get things over into another empty freezer in the barn (it was full…ugh). Because it wasn’t sorely needed, it sat forlornly for a while. Then, Connie the Freezer Lady decided, “This thing needs to be fixed so’s we can use it”. You know…it’s hard to argue with a logical person.

While at “L&S Appliances”, the lady mentioned “barter” to which we were immediately amenable! Long story longer….”L&S” brought our M/W back to us and took a look at the freezer. He determined the issue (a faulty thermostat control) and ordered the part. The next week, he came to the house to install the part. Our freezer is freezing again!

We’re now looking to resolve a mysterious clanking on our “Maytag” washer (you know…the one where the repairman is a hermit because “Maytags” are so reliable…heheh…all you old people remember him in the ads on TV).  Bartering is our friend!

Chickenin’ Report: our biddy buddies seem to be trying (though not all that hard) to maintain a modest egg production. If it weren’t for that, I’d have to come to the conclusion that we have too many feathery pets around here. You just can’t have an egg business for very long if you keep having the same food costs but having little or no return for the investment.

We do cut costs by feeding our girls the produce tailings from a local supermarket in Porterville. That surely helps! And, we let them free range during the day after we think that they’ve had enough time to lay their eggs. Certainly, we still have to track down a few “Easter eggs” (that gets old). But, we do get a few that way.

We’ve had to account for the fact that some of our birds are just old and are “retired” at egg laying. Most egg ranchers will replace their producers every 2 to 2.5 years as the layer’s production naturally decreases. Ol’ Rancho Ran is going to have to resort to replacing his girls at some point. Otherwise, continuing to cosset and pamper the birds that only produce feathers and squawks will get really really old as well as really expensive

The other day, we headed out for Hooterville and had decided to take the Camry. The Camry is our ride of choice when we don’t need to haul stuff around or pick things up and such. It dutifully sites beneath the large fruitless mulberry tree awaiting our every behest.

When I approached the car, I noticed that there was a huge…as in large…as in great big… black and white mess on the roof! Now, this just didn’t seem quite right given that my birds, as healthy as they are, could muster up enough…uh…black and white mess…to merit such concern. It was a mystery!

When given such a poser, I’ve learned to use the “Sherlock Holmes” method of resolving matters. It basically says that, “After eliminating all other possibilities, whatever remains is the answer”. There weren’t any other possibilities that I could think of so my lightning-fast mind made the obvious conclusion: there is a pterodactyl in my tree!

It had to be! After all, there aren’t any ostrich or emu farms around here! There may be a couple of llamas but, when was the last time you saw one of those up a tree? I mean, we do have mountain lions in these parts. But, that would mean that you’d be looking for your llama on the roof and not just up a tree. The California Condors are near but don’t come down this far. Even then, if it were a condor, it would have taken a week to recover the Camry. And, the red tail hawks and our big white owls aren’t usually this close to our house.

Of course, it didn’t take long to figure out that there actually were other possibilities and that I was mistaken (3.67492 seconds, to be precise.....I did mention my lightning fast mind, didn't I?). Upon closer examination and while watching the tree for chickens to roost that evening, it because obvious what had happened. It wasn’t a single chicken that was the culprit; it was a pair of them roosting side-by-side. What a relief to know that I won’t be out the expense of adding a cathartic to their diet.

To make up for all of this expense and inconvenience (have I mentioned that I’m convenience oriented?), I’m waiting for a psychic chicken to show up so I can take it to “America’s Got Talent” and clean up! Then, I could put it on YouTube and it would go viral! “Randy, the YouTube Millionaire” sort of has a ring to it, eh?

All seriousness aside, it’s time for the chickens to start being real layers instead of solely chicken scratch vacuums and yard fertilizers.

There you have it: another episode of what’s happening at Rancho Relaxo, home of Rancho Ran, the world's foremost authority (the previous one died), Connie the Canner (world's greatest side-cook), where things can get…interesting, and where… you just never know.