Left and below are shots of Princess Abbie experimenting with a new fuzzer detection system. Seems she's stumbled upon a here-to-fore unknown ability to sense minute vibrations and tremors in the ground with her back so no fuzzers can sneak up on her from any direction! Looks like she is fine tuning that skill to perfection. Notice that she's making sure that she can detect movement even on concrete! Amazing. You just know that she wouldn't want to be derelict in her watchdog duties.
Here's some of the girls taking a dirt bath with which to get...clean. Sorta makes you glad you aren't a chicken, eh?
This is a "just because" picture. We were visiting someone at Sierra View Hospital and noticed this view. It was just one of those gorgeous days that begged for a picture to be taken. I obliged.
The next few pics show the various stages of the recent fire and includes shots from different vantage points. This one is from our back yard. You can't see the mountains which are only a couple of miles distant. Lots of folks had stuffed up heads and watery eyes. Everyone's clothes smelled like smoke. Ugh.
From the Wal-Mart parking lot in Porterville (almost 20 miles distant).
Another shot from our back yard (same day).
Downtown Springville on the main drag and looking over the top of the old "Gibson's Texaco Station".
Also downtown but at Bridge and Hwy 190. The fire station is just off to the right a short ways. Looking north (magnetic north not true north) .
Looking south on Hwy 190 just north of the Post Office.
Lots of smoke, eh?
Gifford's Market in the background.
Looking east from Hwy 190 at Lower Globe Road. Black Mountain is on fire.
Black Mountain again from Hwy 190 at the Golf Course.
Rancho Report: the fire is
contained! The “Pier Fire” has been contained. There’s bit of smoke from a few
“hot spots” yet but all is well in them thar hills! It is with great pleasure
that there have been no reports of serious injury or losses, too! It’s a good
thing, too, because folks around these parts were tired of sneezing, having
watery eyes, and stuffed up heads.
We did lose the Wishon Power
Plant and that’s probably because it was at the point of origin of the fire.
Most likely, the fire was already out of control and already burning the place
down by the time it was reported. Not sure of any kind of time line as to when
it may be returned to service.
Our kudos and great thanks to the firefighters who waged a month-long battle against this monster and won. We cannot thank them enough. As the firefighters changed shift, the local folks and the entire elementary school turned out for a flag and sign waving session to express the community's gratitude for their tireless and super-human efforts to protect us. The fire was limited to 35K acres and there were no major losses.
Our kudos and great thanks to the firefighters who waged a month-long battle against this monster and won. We cannot thank them enough. As the firefighters changed shift, the local folks and the entire elementary school turned out for a flag and sign waving session to express the community's gratitude for their tireless and super-human efforts to protect us. The fire was limited to 35K acres and there were no major losses.
We’re getting our duck in a
row for the big yard sale that is just around the corner. It’s difficult for
the old people who live here at the ranch to believe that the “Apple Festival”
is bearing down upon us! There is a lot of prep that goes into the event but
most of it seems to get done. Each year it seems as though there is less and
less energy available with which to tote those barges and lift those bails (for
all you Paul Robeson fans out there). Perhaps in a few years, we’ll only
conduct half a yard sale. *SIGH*.
There may not be as many
venders this year as some folks because their “git up and go” has done “got up
and went”. It takes a lot (and do mean a lot) of work to haul stuff hither and
yon. And then, if it doesn’t sell, haul it back to yon and hither.
In other words, all is moving
along fairly well here at the happy homestead…..sorta. Seems that the feat of
existing on planet earth is met with stiff resistance from time to time.
Thankfully, we have such comforting
amenities as …butter. Yep; butter. We were in the local (read: Porterville
since Springville isn’t a real town yet) “Grocery Outlet” the other day. When
we got there, we were fairly certain that a few good deals would present
themselves because they always do. My mother had advised us that butter was on
sale but, at the price she quoted, it was unlikely that there would be so much
as a smear of the stuff to put on a single colonel of popcorn by the time we
got there.
My! Were we surprised when we
walked back to the dairy section!! I can only suppose that there aren’t that
many fans of real butter around because we stumbled into thirty pounds (no typo
here!) of real butter all hunkered down and just ready to be tossed into a
shopping cart! Oh, it wasn’t merely butter, it was “Land O’ Lakes” butter which
happens to be the premier butter around these parts! What’s that you say? How
much per pound? Thank you for asking! We got eight four-packs at FOUR POUNDS
for 2.27 (about 57 cents per pound)! Yes!! It was one day from the expiration
date! Guess what? We didn’t care because Connie the Canner is also “Connie the
Freezer Lady”!! It just so happened that we had a hole in our freezer that just
exactly accommodated the entire stack!
That also means that, in
addition to burning a few extra bagels and English mufflers (sic) for breakfast
, Ol’ Tinkerin’ Ran will try making some “ghee”! Ghee is not merely drawn
butter. It is that, to be sure, but it is further kept hot (but not boiling)
until all of the butterfat and such is completely removed. The result is a centuries-old style cooking oil that preserves well and which adds a distinct
flavor to (usually) Indian cuisine. My recipe list is quivering in
Got beans? Yep! We surely have
those too! Like my old grand pappy used to say, “Man does not live by bread
alone. He has to have a pot of beans, too!”. Ol’ Rancho Ran can live without a
lot of things but frijoles is just not one of them.
It went like this: the other
day the Ol’ Rancher was smitten with a yen for a pot of beans and bacon. Now,
it’s probably well known to most that he is rather…ahem…convenience oriented… and
loves to employ whatever “devices of efficiency” that may be available. In the
case of beans, he has a remarkable tool with which to convert these hard
legumes into a tender bowl of pure pleasure. That would be the “Power Pressure
Cooker XL 10 Qt” (159.95 @ Amazon.com). Talk about a labor-saving device! It can turn a
rocking chair into a noon lunch in only a couple of hours! Wheew!
Anyway, now that I’m finished
bragging, I tossed in four cups of dried pintos (do rinse and sort them first
unless you like pressure-cooked dirt clods for dinner), a half-pound of really
good smoked bacon, and about a tablespoon of salt. Now, it just doesn’t get
much simpler than that, neighbor!
I thickened them by mashing some of the beans to help make a nice “bean liquor”. Connie grabbed a big baked potato that we had on hand from the potluck at church the day prior, mashed it between two plates, then fried it up good! Oh, my! It just doesn't get much better than that! I dug in! To quote Uncle Jed Clampet, “Whooooo, doggies!”
I thickened them by mashing some of the beans to help make a nice “bean liquor”. Connie grabbed a big baked potato that we had on hand from the potluck at church the day prior, mashed it between two plates, then fried it up good! Oh, my! It just doesn't get much better than that! I dug in! To quote Uncle Jed Clampet, “Whooooo, doggies!”
Unfortunately, there seems be
a downside attached to certain upsides. In this case our culinary delight was encumbered
by a steep downside: we are sometimes concerned about having to track our sheets
down the next morning. In fact, our nightly prayers may include a request that
their retrieval not include a ladder or an embarrassing trip to the neighbor’s
house. Reckon that this batch tasty bites may have been defanged somewhere down
the line since our bedclothes were found intact and in place the next morning. The
next round will be soon.
Fuzzer Supression Update:
well, they’re still here. The mangy varmints are laying siege to my ranch (and
everyone else’s ranch within about 300 miles that I can tell). The war is afoot
and it includes slinging a lot of lead.
The other day was a “TWO-FER”
day. One critter was must have accidently gotten into the neighbor’s happy hemp
farm and had lunch there (a bold and unfounded assertion on my part, to be
sure). He arrogantly got so close that the error in my scope sighting wasn’t
going to make a difference. And, it didn’t. Ol’ Ran lowered the boom with his
Ruger “Critter Git’R” and that was all she wrote.
Much to my amazement, as I
was getting ready to park the Ruger, I spotted another one up close and was
able to make sure that he didn’t attend his next family renuion. Ruger Ran (has
kind of a ring to it, eh?) – 2; Mocking fuzzers – 0
In all honesty, I must report
that there have been a couple of occasions where it seemed that I could have
done better had I just thrown the rifle at them. Not sure why I couldn’t hit
the broad side of the barn but there are a few brown fuzzers that will have a
free time of it until I can regain my sighting or senses…or both. I guess that,
when winter besets us and there’s nothing else to do (oh…sure, Ran!), I’ll just
sight the thing in again and return it to its tack driving self. I’ve regularly
drilled fuzzers at 150 yards when it was sighted in. Hope reigns supreme.
Chickenin’ Report: Geepers!
Creepers! Where’d you get those peepers ?! We’ve got peeping chicks! A few
weeks ago, friend and brother, Brian Johnson, and his wife, Angel, gave us two
new chicks. Then, just a few days ago, he gave us a cute little white pullet.
And now, “something new has been added” (for all you “Old Gold” fans out
Connie the Canner, who was
manning the post of “Washer Woman” for the day (she later switched to the role
of “Head Cook and Feeder Bowl Washer” that evening), was hangin’ out der
vashin’ on a bright, sunny, and mild afternoon. She kept hearing chirping
noises coming from somewhere. After a few minutes and a quick check around the
back yard, she determined that they were coming from inside the cute chicken
house that friend and brother, Rob Tyrrell and wife, Sharon, had given us (along
with its three feathery occupants). Lo and behold! She discovered that one of
the little brown hens had hatched some chicks!
That, of course, meant that
she had to call the flock master in for some help and advice. A quick call on
the Baofeng UV-5R handy talkie radio (affectionately called the “Flungdung 5") and
Ol’ Rancho Ran, with no time to change into his “Chicken Man” costume (which
would have been nice because it has such a really cool matching cape), was on
the scene to take charge.
I had checked inside the
little chicken hootch the day prior and saw the brown brooder sitting on
perhaps ten eggs. As far as I was concerned, the little bird was probably
wasting her time given that we hadn’t given the least thought to breeding
chickens much less attempting to do so. Breeding chicken is a chore and we have
ample sufficiency of those around here. So, it’ll be the usual chickenin’ for
the time being.
But now, what before my
pretty brown eyes (my wife says I have pretty brown eyes) should appear but
four less-than-a-day-old darling itty bitty tiny chicks! They were hardly more
than egg yolks with legs. They were skittering about as though I was a huge
white ogre or something. But, I managed to out maneuver them and snatched them
up so that no other huge white ogre would chick-nap them and so no small grey black-masked
omnivore would scarf them up for lunch.
Leaving our chirp twerps and
their mother without a protective cage in an environment filled with a plethora
of quite hungry carnivores didn’t sit well with us. The consensus was that they
needed to be protected and kept warm (the temps just dropped down to Autumn
levels at night).
So, you know ‘zactly what we
did….again. We hauled their tiny little fuzzy carcasses into Granny’s kitchen. They
were immediately given residence in a tub next to the tub where the other two chicks
are being raised. Can’t you just see that on the menu? “Tub O’ Chicken”.
Chickenin’ Lesson: chickens
are remorseless gluttons. If you throw food, they will come a’runnin’ at flank
speed. Not only that, they’ll chase you down if they if they so much as think
you have one small grain of rice in your hand! They automatically switch into a
DNA-programmed maniacal mode and will mug you for it while fighting off the
rest of the flock of ravenous fowls who are trying to do the same thing! Half
of the hens will end up looking like participants at a Filipino cock fight! What
a free-for-all! Defending yourself against a dumb cluck is one thing; but,
being in the middle of about 70 chickens who think they’re sharks is when
things get….interesting. A guy has to watch his step around perennially -hungry
chickens, don’tcha know.
And, they will not stop
eating until the last chunk of cracked corn or stale bread has disappeared. In
fact, if the last morsel has yet to disappear and there’s still a mound of
scratch there, they will have a colonel in their beak when they squawk their
last cluck as their crop explodes (“The rooster has exploded, madam”…for all
you “Fresno the Miniseries” fans out there). For a lack of a better term, I
call it “suicidal eating”. I’ve heard of
“stuffed chicken breasts” and such but this really takes the “Hot Wings Special”.
Anyway, I’ve narrowed down the
names for “Rooster Doe” (who is just “Hank” for now) to just two. I’ll either
call him “Joe Cockerel” or “Big Bad Benny Biddy Banger”. Both have a real ring
to them. I’m a real sucker for alliteration so I’m leaning towards “Benny”. We’ll
see. Most likely, Connie the Canner will invoke a here-to-fore unknown ordinance
against being stupid in public and just whack me with something long, large,
and not quite soft. I may have to settle for something less artistic like, “Fearless
Freddie Flocker”…uh…no. How about, “LugNut Leghorn”? I may have to just settle for something simple
like, “Little White Stupid Chicken” or maybe, “Plucky Clucky”.
There you have it: another episode of what’s happening at Rancho Relaxo, home of Rancho Ran, the world's foremost authority (the previous one died), Connie the Canner (world's greatest side-cook), where things can get…interesting, and where… you just never know.